Fall Home Appliance Maintenance Tips

Home appliance maintenance is important for several reasons: safety, health, lower utility bills, and to keep appliances in good repair. Fall is a great time to get your indoor and outdoor appliances back on track.

The Kitchen:

Clean your microwave inside and out to remove any food build up that occurs when using the microwave. Food build up can lead to health issues if it is not removed regularly.

Empty out and wipe down your refrigerator inside and out, including the door seals. You may be surprised at all the crumbs and other items hiding in there, especially expired products! Get out your vacuum to vacuum off the coils and get in the habit of doing that regularly.

Even the dishwasher needs a good cleaning. Place a container with one cup of vinegar on the top rack and sprinkle a cup of baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher. Run the dishwasher through one hot cycle. Grease, lingering food, and musty smells will all disappear.

The Laundry:

Front loader washers need more extra care than top loaders. Wipe down the door, and the rubber gasket area, getting into all the deep creases. Leave the door open in between loads to allow the gasket area to dry out, preventing mold or mildew growth.

Always empty your lint filter after every dryer load. Once a year, make sure and clean out the entire dryer vent to prevent lint build up which can become a fire hazard.


Air conditioner season is over. This unit is out in the elements all the time. It is important to keep it clear of dirt and debris whether it is in use or not. All the fall leaves should also be removed from the unit before winter sets in.

Having your furnace serviced in the fall should set it up to run well all winter. Be sure to change and/or clean all the filters in your furnace, humidifier, and air exchanger regularly. Keeping the filters clean increases HVAC efficiency and will help prolong their lifespan.

Now is an ideal time to get home appliance maintenance taken care of before the cold and snow arrive. It is also easier to get a repair person out this time of year if needed.